Could Your Child Have a Sleeping Disorder?
Did you know?

Sydney Sleep Services was founded by Dr Ganesh Thambipillay in 2008. Dr Thambipillay is a Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Sleep Physician with over 30 years’ experience. Currently a Senior Staff Specialist at the Children’s Hospital at Randwick, he was nominated by the International Association of Paediatricians as a top paediatrician in NSW in 2015. He was also included in the 2015 edition of the “Leading Physicians of the World” Continue reading...
Wales Medical Centre, Suite 2a/Level 2, 66 High Street, RANDWICK NSW 2031
Sydney Children’s Hospital, High Street, RANDWICK NSW 2031
Phone: 1300 305 969
Fax: 1300 721 303
© 2020 Sydney Sleep Services